Baroque - Saint Joseph Charpentier by Georges de La Tour
La Tour, Georges de. Saint Joseph Charpentier (or Joseph the Carpenter ). 1640 – 1645 c. Louvre Museum. Paris, France. Georges de La Tour’s Saint Joseph Charpentier or Joseph the Carpenter is an oil painting currently residing in the Louvre Museum in Paris, France. The Council of Trent was the Catholic Church’s response to the protestant Reformation. In 1621 during the final years of the Trent Council, Pope Gregory XV declared St. Joseph’s Feast to be a holy day (Wilson 101) . The proliferation of art and literature with Joseph as the subject exploded. This work is widely attributed to being a result of that Papal decree. The merging of spirituality with everyday life to tug on heartstrings and capture souls was at the very center of what the Catholic Reformation was trying to accomplish in art. It is believed the piece was painted sometime between 1640 and 1645 (Louvre n.d.). It is also thought to have been painted in the Duchy of Lorraine where the artist spent the majori...